Hey, my name is Elisa (eh-lee-sah). A long time ago I went to classical music school, but since then I've mostly been playing contemporary + creative music of all different kinds. It started off as mostly free-improvised and experimental music, but these days I like to call the kind of music I make "pretty shred." Like, it shreds and I hope you think it's pretty. As much as I roll my eyes at the angelic/mythical/feminine reputation the harp has, generosity is important to me in music making. My hope is for the listener to feel held in some way- which means sometimes it does sound angelic and dreamy. That being said...I think the harp can be a total boss, and that's why I love it!!
For the last 10 years I've focused mostly on collaborative projects (like Gentle Party and The Giving Shapes), but have chosen recently to shift gears and focus on my solo project. I'm so excited to be releasing XIICC, the debut album of this project, in May 2025. It's got 1000 layers of harp, but don't worry - it's not as boring as that sounds. I can't wait to share it.